Watching season 3 episode one of RuPaul’s Drag Race All-Stars.
In All-Stars, the elimination gimmick is: each week, instead of the bottom two queens lip syncing and the loser getting eliminated, the top two lip sync and the winner of the lip sync chooses which of the bottom two queens to eliminate.
Ben De La Creme wins the lip sync and chooses to eliminate Morgan McMichaels with the following rationale:
1. everyone agreed that morgan did better this week than the other bottom queen
2. Everyone except morgan agreed to the policy of “we will eliminate the bottom queen who does worse that week”
3. Because Morgan didn’t agree to the policy, she should be eliminated
There are layers of irony to this that I love. Ben eliminated Morgan because Morgan (honestly!) divulged that she would eliminate the stronger queen. But in eliminating her, Ben was doing exactly the thing that Ben thought Morgan deserved to be eliminated for. I sure hope Ben is up for elimination next week and gets eliminated for doing the thing that everyone said not to do, and then in week three, the queen that eliminated Ben gets eliminated for the same reason, etc, forever. This is very funny to me.
Mary had a great comment regarding the drama of forcing the queens to eliminate one another with tortured, overdramatic rationale:
“They’re all female impersonators, but now they’re being forced to *really* impersonate females.”