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“We Need You to Work on Saturday, So We Cut Your Pay”

[This post was originally written for my employer’s blog, Show-Me Daily.] In one of Christine Harbin’s recent posts here at Show-Me Daily, she made the point that having higher sales taxes or excise taxes is a boon for stores just across the state line. A commenter by the name of Dempster Holland cited this to … Continue reading »

Categories: Economics, Taxes | 1 Comment

Wasting Green on Going Green

[This post was originally written for my employer’s blog, Show-Me Daily.] If you care about going green, you should care about internalizing the costs of pollution. If you care about sustainability, you should care about property rights. Why do I bring this up? According to an article over at the Post-Dispatch, Jefferson City has been … Continue reading »

Categories: Economics, Government Spending, Property Rights, Urban Planning | 4 Comments

A Minor Point About Minimum Wage

[This post was originally written for my employer’s blog, Show-Me Daily.] The first job I ever got paid for was probably mowing lawns in the ’90s when I was a teen. Earning $10 per lawn sometimes didn’t seem worth it while pushing the mower in the sweltering heat — but I had a friend named … Continue reading »

Categories: Economic Freedom, Economics, Regulation | 13 Comments