High Time for a Change in Higher Education
[This post was originally written for my employer’s blog, Show-Me Daily.] Aristotle said that “Education is the best provision for old age,” and I believe that this insight applies to both of the common purposes for pursuing a college degree: investment in human capital and personal enrichment. This piece in the Post-Dispatch discusses the gap … Continue reading
CREDO Charter Study: Missouri an Outlier
[This post was originally written for my employer’s blog, Show-Me Daily.] The St. Louis Beacon and Kansas City Star both have stories about a recent study from Stanford University’s Center for Research on Education Outcomes that analyzes charter school performance nationwide, with specific results for Missouri. The news is not all good. According to the report, … Continue reading
Charter School Results Getting Federal Notice
[This post was originally written for my employer’s blog, Show-Me Daily.] I came across this story about charter school advocates being heard by the House Education and Labor Committee in Washington, D.C. One of the wonderful points of focus in this piece highlights the benefits of charter innovation, which can then be adopted by other … Continue reading