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Every Time I Go to the Pump, It’s Like the Sale of the Century

[This post was originally written for my employer’s blog, Show-Me Daily.] The title of this post comes from something I overheard another QT customer commenting to the person next to them at the pump. I realize I’ve blogged about this recently, but I feel sure that it is an economic issue that hits close to … Continue reading »

Categories: Economic Freedom, Energy | 2 Comments

Stock Slump Provides Bridge to Cheaper Gas

[This post was originally written for my employer’s blog, Show-Me Daily.] The stock market troubles that have made the front page of CNN’s website almost every day for the last two weeks (at least) are fairly generally accepted to be part of a national economic slowdown, which is almost certainly much older than the recent … Continue reading »

Categories: Energy, Government Spending, Taxes, Transportation | Leave a comment