The quiz is at the end of this delightful article, and my answers are below.
quiz 1
1. correct
2. I had “that card” should be “the discarded card” and “, then shuffle your library.” should be “. Shuffle your library.” I missed the correct answer
3. I was so fixated on the incorrect order for green and 7/7 that I didn’t even notice the lowercase e mistake. Reading that incorrect order felt WRONG to me.
4. I can’t believe I got this right.
quiz 2 (My answers are the left column, and I’ve already graded them with an O for correct and an X for incorrect.)
Otaken Archdemon of Greed
Xtaken Elvish Caretaker
Xnot taken Fiend of the Shadows
Xnot taken Fractured Powerstone
Onot taken Gloombringer
Xnot taken Harmony of Nature
Otaken Heroic Defiance
Xnot taken Highland Giant
Xtaken Lightning Barrage
Otaken Plague Fiend
Xtaken Will of the Ancients
Xtaken Wind Elemental