Again, I’ve waited too long between posts. Actually, I think I may just be jealous of the people whose entries I’ve been reading for the past hour – I wanna post too, dammit!
I really like my life right now. Every day I do a minimal amount of “work” running the storefront portion of Ogre’s Cards, and more and more I get to spend my time with people I like to hang out with. The St. Louis magic community seems to be full of the kind of people who are fun to be around, playing or not.
The Pre-Release was a blast and I think I somehow managed to make a really great impression on Glenn Cannon, the british judge who works for THE guy who runs the pre-releases and other tournaments throughout the midwest. Glenn called me the other day, he wanted my email and to invite me to judge at a GPT in Collinsville, IL. He said that he and Barrat Moy(THE guy) think I’m going to be “the next big thing in St. Louis.” This is fantastic. I may be able to make something of myself as a judge after all.
Im not happy about the lack of internet access at the shop or some of the conditions of my current living arrangement, but I’m always glad when I come to Vroman’s parent’s house. I’m currently posting on his mom’s comp. Every time I come here, it’s a hot shower, a delicious meal and a chance to check my mail. I know I’ll never catch up on my judge emails, but now I’m more motivated than ever.
I think I can put into words why I’m so content with my life right now: it’s the joy of anticipation. There’s so much that I’m looking forward to before the year is out, I plan to draft a LOT of Champions of Kamigawa, run more and larger tournaments at the shop, judge at least one Moy Event, and get done a number of other things that have been weighing on my mind. Right now, life seems so simple and easy, I wonder how I ever got it so wrong before.
A few regrets, though. I wish I had the availability to hang out at nick and jon’s condo, it sounds like a lot of interesting gatherings are happening there, and I know I’d enjoy just to watch it all unfold, plus I miss both nick and jon, though jon may come with S/A to visit sometime.
I suppose I’ve said enough for now. Back to the old e-mail.
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