Every time I’ve ever told a girl she had my heart, or thought it, or written it, or had it been true without expressing it, the relationship has been ended by the person in whose possession I placed my world.
I leave a piece of my heart with every girl I ever care about romantically. I have truly loved them all. What I am left with is a fractured heart, a reduced ability to carry on and yet. . .
I find myself filled more than ever with a desire to move on, to dive into love if I should find it anew. I want it so bad that losing it makes me realize how wonderful it is to have and I just want it more than ever.
Christine never felt the way about me that I felt about her. I know that now. What’s important is that she knew how I felt, and she followed her heart, too. I am sad(CRUSHED!) that she and I are no longer together, but I keep thinking about what’s around the next bend –
Life will be great.
7 Responses to Has to be said, or at least written.