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You’ve gotta be effing kidding me.

Posted by on October 12, 2008

An article at discusses the downsides to falling oil prices. The downsides? Really?
When did the popular press start siding with the fatcats? I loves me some capitalism, but I take no truck with pure exploitation. I honestly believe that free markets produce the most desirable outcomes.

Why should we worry that the oil-rich countries are losing some revenue? BOO HOO. Economics is the science of scarcity and trade-offs. OPEC may not make as much this year as they expected, but some number of the 300 million americans(not to mention the billions abroad also buying gas at cheaper prices[Chinese and Indian middle-class, I’m looking at you]) who buy gas every week will find themselves suddenly with a lot more money to spend on other things.

Let us not forget that OPEC is a cartel. Their very existence is forbidden by US law(which is why they have to hold their meetings in other countries). Some readers may point out that since I disagree with most laws regulating business, I probably disagree with our anti-trust laws. I do, but that’s not the point. Just because I personally think that cartels should be permitted to exist doesn’t mean that A) I think they are necessarily good or B) Time magazine should be calling for sympathy for them.

Regarding the environmental concerns. I have already stated my stance on the popular view of global warming. Cheaper gas means more people buying it(the law of demand) means more emissions. What’s the trade-off here? A global mean surface temperature perhaps 4-9 degrees Fahrenheit warmer in 2100 in exchange for millions of people able to pay their bills from now till then. Even if CO2 emissions are bad, and global warming is a dire consequence, perhaps artificially raising oil prices is not the answer. (anybody heard a’ deadweight loss say “YEAYAH!”)

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