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Monthly Archives: April 2009

In Defense of St. Louis

[This post was originally written for my employer’s blog, Show-Me Daily.] When I checked out the Post-Dispatch‘s website today, I fully expected the top stories to include President Barack Obama’s visit yesterday. Nope. Instead, I find a story about Brewster McCracken. an Austin, Texas, mayoral candidate, whose ad (available on YouTube) positively slams the city of St. Louis … Continue reading »

Categories: Local Government, Miscellaneous | 1 Comment

How not to Fail by Vroman

Vroman wrote this, it's great. For the record, I'm pretty sure I am not facebook friends with anyone who could benefit from this advice in anything but entertainment value. Do share this with any loser acquaintances, however.

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Cheater Post: I didn’t write this

My friend Vroman wrote this: How To Not Fail

Categories: Uncategorized | 10 Comments

Not Gaining More, Losing Less

[This post was originally written for my employer’s blog, Show-Me Daily.] According to the Post-Dispatch, some are leveling criticism at MOSERS, a Missouri state employee pension fund, because of bonuses paid to investment staff for their performance while the fund was losing money. The nature of the criticism is obvious, until considered in context. As … Continue reading »

Categories: Economic Freedom | 1 Comment