Monthly Archives: August 2005
Movie checklist and minor update
I don’t even know why I did this. It was basically just a waste of time. Interesting to note, however, is that my guitar playing is coming along well. I am able to play some of my favorite offspring songs with some proficiency. Feel free to ignore the cut.
This is directed almost exclusively at Sarah.
Well, I’ll be in town this weekend(for once) and apparently Christine is leaving town for a family vacation that will last a week. She leaves Saturday morning. I type this at 8pm Friday night still uncertain whether I will get to see her before she leaves. I find out after 10. So, it looks like … Continue reading
Real Content Post
OgreCon I was this weekend. I judged all day Saturday and Sunday, which was a great time. The only problem was that I was slightly tired both days, partly because I had decided around a week ago to cut back on sugar, which so far has resulted in me drinking absolutely no soda since like, … Continue reading